Fee Details and Rules

Nomination Fee

Category I : INR 6,000/- (Rupees Six Thousand only)

Category II: INR 4,000/- (Rupees Four Thousand only)

Click to Nominate


  • Trophy / Memento
  • Hardcopy of Printed Certificate with Photograph
  • Publication of Prize winners in Official website.
  • Free Membership in Knowledge Research Academy
  • Fee waiver for future technical events
  • Networking and outreach in International / National forum

Terms and Conditions

1. Entries are open for all awards. Faculty members from Engineering, Arts and Management are eligible to apply.

2. Faculty members should upload the resume / related documents nominated for the award

3. More than one award will be given for a category if the candidates are deserved for the awards

4. Few awards will be given to each department (Ex: Best faculty award, Research paper award)

5. Faculty members shall pay the Nomination Fee only if they are selected for the award

6. Award ceremony will be conducted through online mode (Google Meet / Zoom)

7. Memento, Hardcopy of Printed Excellence Certificate and Membership Certificate will be send through courier.

8. Panel members decision is final